I have decided to quit blogging. I just don’t have time for it. Besides, I have always been an emotional writer...I only want to do it when my emotions are extreme. When I am angry, overwhelmed, excited, disgusted...no one wants to hear all that mess and I sure don’t want to have to go back and re-read it. ;-)
I think this will be my last post.
On this anniversary of my wedding day, I am going to dedicate this post to my husband and our marriage. It’s a good way to end a blog.
I am married to an amazing man. He is rock steady. I have, over the past 28 years, simultaneously fought against that steadiness AND craved/needed it. I am NOT rock steady. I am pretty flighty. I change my mind frequently. I like to try new stuff. I get bored easily. I am wildly inconsistent in almost everything. I get irritated easily when people don’t let me be wildly inconsistent (and love me for it). Seriously?
We are a pretty perfect example of the “opposites attract” theory. He is an introvert, I am an extrovert. I will gladly forego the “chores” for fun, or reading, or camping..., he firmly believes in getting the chores done first and THEN having fun. He is a techie, I am SO NOT. He hates to argue, I love to argue (that one has been a biggie for 28 years). I am a spender, he is happy with a $2 coffee once a week, and maybe a new gun once in awhile. He is a hunter/fisherman, I prefer my “nature” surrounded by boisterous friends/family and all the comforts of home (i.e., glamping). I love country music, he does not love country music (but tolerates it for me). For the first 7 years of our marriage he didn’t want kids and I did. For the last 7 years of our marriage I can’t get him to STOP having kids. He can dance, I can’t. You get the picture, right?
I have always thought I was pretty easy to live with. I mean, I really like me. Now that I write it down though, I realize that especially an introverted, steady, logical, Type A personality may find me a little maddening. Fortunately, he hates to argue so he rarely shows it if he does find it maddening to live with me.
The truth is, we have made a really good life together. We are not "soul mates". I don’t believe humans can be that to each other. My soul mate is God, He created that spot to only be filled by Him. I have only gotten us into trouble during these 28 years when I have forgotten that, and believed that it was a spot my husband could and should fill. We ARE partners, friends, lovers. The dynamic of those roles has changed dramatically and frequently over the years...because I am wildly inconsistent. ;-) He would love it if he could predict and maintain a status quo in any or all of those roles, but it’s just not going to happen. Reality.
I WILL TRY not to argue so much. Why, just this morning when he told me to get a good look at our huge out-of-control forsythia bush because he was giving it a serious trimming and I wouldn’t recognize it...I told him I would not argue (as I have the past 3 years). It’s our anniversary after all...my gift to him today. ;-)
Happy Anniversary!
Another example of our opposites:
DW’s current favorite artist/song
I can’t pick a favorite, but I really relate to this one at the moment ;-)